It's going to be a short one this week. A few things have happened this week, and we have taken delivery of around 2 tons of grain, and some key kegs, ready for when the kit is up and running. But mostly we have been planning and preparing for a very special 'piss up in a brewery', to say a big thanks to a few choice people who have helped us out along the way.
One big part of the build of the brewery that started this week was the construction of the cool room. This is were we will be storing hops, and the finished product before we ship it out. The special insulated walls are up, and now we are waiting on the air con unit to arrive and a special sliding door. You can see the cool room in the first pictures.
I these first 2 pictures you can see that the floor is wet, this makes for a good picture, but is not really relevant. More important is the stock of Key Kegs we have stored in the roof of the mezzanine. There are 60 of these just begging to be filled with some tasty Weird Beard beers. In the second of the 2 pictures you can see the cool room starting to take shape, just to the left of the kettle.
The camper van has gone, and the place is looking very tidy. We have people to impress visiting on Saturday, so we gave the floor good hose down to try and get rid of the tyre marks from the forklift, nothing to do with the camper van that was parked there all week, oh no, no way. Although i have to admit to linking the look of the wet floor, it makes it look like something has been happening. But alas, it has not.
Next pictures, as always are up on the mezzanine. We managed to get our hands on some office desks, chairs, book shelf and filing cabinet. All for free, which is a bonus. The place is really starting to look like an office. You may also notice to the right of the second picture is a pallet of grain, ready to make the beer that the key kegs are ready to carry to a bar near you. Still a week until the installer comes though.
The last picture show the back room, which has been prepared for our visitors tomorrow. 7 Cornelius kegs full of potential Weird Beard beers, and some tables that will hold another 3 for our guests to sample and give feedback on.
All looking very tidy this week. I'm sure it will get all cluttered again for next weeks pictures. Have a good week all.
All opinions and grammatical errors are that of
and not always of the Weird Beard collective.