Week 6 Build Pictures

So this week was meant to be the week the installers were, well installing our brewery. But due to flooring issues which have delayed us by around 2 weeks now, this was not possible. We all have our fingers crossed they can fit us in some time soon, as I believe they are installing a brewery up in York for the rest of the year. The flooring guys were in over the weekend finishing of the under floor, but this week has been mostly watching concrete dry.

We have had a few exciting deliveries though.

First of which being our 8 head bottle filler, which I'm sure will look far better out of the box.

Then came 2 shiny 1600ltr conical fermenters. These came from China in some very scary crates. Scary as in crap, and we are worried they are going to disintegrate at any point. As the floor is not ready, we had no choice but to store these on the mezzanine level, which meant asking one of our nice neighbours with a forklift for help. As you can see from the picture, bits of crate are falling from the bottom. I am not looking forward to getting these down again, as it is most likely to be one of us in control of the forklift, none of whom have ever driven one.

The second big delivery was our slightly alternative take on hot and cold liquor tanks. When these arrived on the back of the truck I couldn’t help but think of music festivals I had been to. These are different to a lot of liquor tanks, as they are made of very well insulated plastic.

But you will be able to see from this week’s pictures that we are slowly running out of space on the mezzanine.

In the pictures looking into the brewery from the outside world, you can see a nice flat floor. The flooring guys will be in on Monday to put the flowcrete resin layer on. You can also see the 2 crates from China perched on the edge of the mezzanine, ready to be unpacked and installed in the back room sometime in the near future.

Looking down from the mezzanine, you can again see the nice flat concrete, now covered in tyre marks from the forklift unfortunately. You can still see the long hole in the ground that will be hopefully filled with a 10 meter drain this week. Its not really something you can see, but it’s worth noting that Mike removed the front door and then hung it correctly, as it used to grind on the frame pretty bad.

Pictures taken on the mezzanine are slightly obscured by big boxes and tanks. Hopefully we won’t be getting too many more deliveries before the floor is done. The two large crates hold the fermenters will be removed, while the two tanks at the end will be living approximately where they are. They do need plumbing in though.

Yeah, so watching concrete dry isn’t actually that interesting. So we decided to dig a hole instead.

The picture from the back room is taken from a different angle this week, as not much was happening the other end. The structure on the left hand side is the toilet. The drain from the main brewery continues under the dividing wall and then along the inner wall to the toilet waste pipe. The drain guys dug a trench for this up to the toilet door, but as soon as they got to this structure, it started to shake itself apart. We took up the challenge and made a bit of a Frankenstein looking repair job and attacked the floor with a kango, which we are all well practiced on by now. We got the trench dug out all the way to the waste water pipe without the structure falling on our heads, and hopefully saved the drain guys a bit of time.

Next weeks pictures should show a nice new flowcrete floor. But until then..

All views and grammatical errors are that of WeirdBeardBryan and not always Weird Beard Brew Co as a collective.