Prototypes for April events.

Readers of this blog will already know that we are sending some prototypes to 3 events in April.

We will be at  the Egham Real Ale and Cider Festival on Thursday 5th April at 18:30. Both Bryan and I will be there to pour the following beers...

South Seas Pale is quite a pale beer with a simple malt bill with Pale and Vienna malts and Pacific Gem and Nelson Sauvin hops. The Pacific Gem adds a slight lemon character and the Nelson Sauvin packs a punch of gooseberries and elderflowers. A very refreshing beer that belies its strength.

 Five O'Clock Shadow started as an experiment in dry hopping. Malt base is pretty standard with Pale, Munich and light crystal. Plenty of bittering hops (Citra, Summit, Columbus, Centennial and Nelson Sauvin).  There are no late aroma hops but it is dry hopped at 6g/litre with the same hops as the bittering hops. While this was an experimental beer it has gone down well and will certainly be made again, perhaps with some tweaks.

Decadence Stout is one of the longer standing recipes. It started with 10 types of grain but was soon rationalised to "only" 8. Hopped with Chinook, Fuggles and East Kent Goldings it has solid bitterness but the malt base is the star. A higher then normal mash temperature gives a full mouthfeel, but the large amount of roasted barley keeps it from being too sweet.

So come along and say hello on the 5th. Test our beers and give us some feedback.